![Snape [Harry Potter]](thumbnails/th_snapekid.gif) |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
more fun with teenage Snape. Funnily enough, the day I doodled this,
my friend and I got absolutely soaked walking to class in a downpour.
And what is it with characters in anime and movies who stand in the
rain? Sure it makes for a dramatic/angst-filled/romantic scene, but
for God's sake, don't they ever get sick?! Severus, come in out of
the rain, you twit! You'll catch your death of cold, and then Grown-Up
Snape will never exist! (What the heck am I talking about?! @__@) |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
I dunno;
I usually put my mouse doodles in the Sketches/Oekaki section. But
this looked kind of decent, so I figured I'd try putting it up here.
It was a doodle in OpenCanvas, done in an hour or so while procrastinating
on schoolwork. Is that not always the story? |
![McGonagall [Harry Potter]](thumbnails/th_transfiguration.gif) |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
old McGonagall that I drew with Dumbledore was so crappy-looking,
I just had to do a better pic of her. I really loved the sketch of
this (can't you just hear her saying, "Pay attention, Weasley,"?);
and the coloring came out pretty alright -- it's the first picture
I colored in Painter 5.5. I don't know if she's turning a clock into
a crab or a crab into a clock. |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
I wanted
to test my Prismacolor pencils, and Harry is always easy to draw.
I did this a day or so before the first pictures of the movie Quidditch
uniforms came out. Now I wish I'd waited. ;_; Oh well, the uniform
here looks kinda nice anyway. I wanted to make it look a little more
sports-y, rather than just putting red robes over jeans. The extremely
faint and squiggly suggestion of a background I put in did not scan
well, so I just touched it up in Painter. Oh, my favorite part of
this pic is his hair. I always picture Harry with Kamui hair. ^^;; |
![Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]](thumbnails/th_malfoy.gif) |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
was my first pic colored on OpenCanvas, and also my first finished
fanart of Draco Malfoy. Whee, it's Draco. I'm okay with Draco, but
the Oh-I'm-So-Tortured-And-Sexy Fandom Draco kinda annoys me. O__o
![Snape [Harry Potter]](thumbnails/th_snapebrood.gif) |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
and how cool was that first movie teaser trailer, eh? ^_^ This is
just a cheap little sketchie thing inspired by the 3-second glimpse
we got of Snape. Damn, I guess this means I gotta draw him without
the goatee now. >_< I can't stand it, he never looks menacing enough
without it! Oh well. |
![Snape and some naughty students [Harry Potter]](thumbnails/th_snapevalentine.gif) |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
My contribution
to the Harry Potter Valentines Project. Inspired by that scene in
Book 4 where Snape blasts the couples making out in the rose bushes.
^_^ For some reason I had real trouble with Snape's face here; I erased
and redrew it several times, and even then I ended up altering it
in Photoshop. I'm still not 100% content with it. ~~;; But, it is
the first time I drew Snape's feet, which is something, I guess. ^^;; |
![Hermine and Ron [Harry Potter]](thumbnails/th_hermiron.gif) |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
drawing Harry Potter, I felt compelled to draw his two faithful sidekicks
as well. ^_^ I just kinda made the background up as I went along,
but I think it turned out okay (especially the squid). |
![Elizabeth and Ian [Almost Heaven]](thumbnails/th_ahgift.gif) |
Almost Heaven by Judith McNaught |
A gift
for Saki! A somewhat messy
marker pic of Elizabeth and Ian, the main characters from one of her
favorite novels. I tried to make it look as fluffy and romantic as
possible. ^_^ |
![Snape [Harry Potter]](thumbnails/th_snapespy.gif) |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
spoiler for book 4* One day while doodling, I sketched a little 22-year-old
Snape wearing a Death Eater hood and looking nervously from side to
side. And he was just so adorable, I made a full-fledged CG of him.
^__^ Isn't he cute? He looks like he has an ulcer! His Dark Mark is
on the wrong arm, but I am loving this picture anyway. Even the background
turned out better than I expected, considering it was drawn entirely
in Photoshop. When I was coloring this, my brother kept making Metal
Gear Solid jokes. "Solid Snape", anyone? ^.^ |
![Dumbledore and McGonagall [Harry Potter]](thumbnails/th_mcdumble.gif) |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
more Harry Potter fanart. I cannot be stopped! Just a simple, simple,
sketch and CG thing. Not a lot of people portray Dumbledore's quirky,
genki side. To me, Dumbledore is an older, more mellow version of
Seravi from Akazukin Chacha. I mean, he IS Seravi, in about 120 years.
^_^;; McGonagall didn't turn out so well, but I needed to balance
out Dumbledore's genkiness, so I left her in. |
![Harry and Cho [Harry Potter]](thumbnails/th_harrycho.gif) |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
more Harry Potter fanart. This was for a contest at the Fan
Art Request Kingdom (I won an Honorable Mention sort of thing
^_^). The topic was Harry and Cho Chang. This cute scenario had been
in my head for a while, so I probably would have drawn it eventually
anyway. Basically, it's Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw on the Quidditch
field, and both seekers make a grab for the snitch at the same time,
which leads to Harry accidentally grabbing Cho's hand instead. ^__^
Some of the proportions and things are messed up, but I still like
it. |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
more Harry Potter fanart. Just a neat little sketch thing of Snape
(who's my favorite character in the series). It seemed rather superfluous
to color it, so I just added an ominous black filter-y background.
Ooooooh. |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
I actually drew Harry Potter himself this time! Just a simple, boring
little pic of Harry Potter standing in some tall grass looking dazed.
He looks rather young, somehow. But I like how his hair and eyes came
out. It's called "Quidditch Practice" because he's not wearing
the red Gryffindor robes he'd wear at a real match. I felt like drawing
black robes. ^^ |
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling |
my first Harry Potter fanart! These are my two favorite professors,
Lupin and Snape. ^_^ I gave Lupin a little ponytail because that's
how I pictured him. Snape looks pissed at Lupin, doesn't he? Actually,
what he's pissed at is the crappy Photoshop background he's standing
on. |